Selección de temas pertenecientes a películas de culto de los años sesenta y setenta tales como Gunn Number One (el largometraje a raiz de la serie Peter Gunn), Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (Adivina quién viene a cenar esta noche), Planet Of The Apes (El planeta de los simios), Midnight Cowboy (Cowboy de medianoche), Mondo Cane 2, Malamondo, Kaleidoscope, Kinky Dolly y varias más que no sé qué título le pusieron en castellano, pero da igual, la cuestión es que oiréis joyas semiolvidadas de Henry Mancini, Jerry Goldsmith, Elmer Bernstein, Ennio Morricone, Hugo Montenegro, John Barry, Quincy Jones o Pete Rugolo, por nombrar los más conocidos.
FanRet Comp #038 Cult Soundtracks streaming Estación Zombie
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01 Henry Mancini- The Monkey Farm (Gunn Number One, 1967)
02 Pete Rugolo - Sock Me Choo Choo (The Sweet Ride, 1968)
03 Jerry Goldsmith - You Gotta Let Me Go (Sebastian, 1968)
04 Jerry Goldsmith - Sebastian Main Title (Sebastian, 1968)
05 Ennio Morricone - Magic And Ecstasy (Exorcist II The Heretic, 1977)
06 Elmer Bernstein - Baby The Rain Must Must Fall (Baby The Rain Must Must Fall, 1965)
07 Franz Waxman - The Celebration (Crime In The Streets, 1956)
08 Frank DeVol - Groovy Delivery Boy (Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, 1968)
09 Stanley Myers- Kinky Dolly (Kaleidoscope, 1966)
10 Hugo Montenegro- The Shark (Lady In Cement, 1968)
11 John Barry - A Man Alone (The Ipcress File, 1964)
12 Nino Oliviero (conducted by Bruno Nicolai) - Zio Giuda (Mondo Pazzo AKA Mondo Cane 2, 1963)
13 Quincy Jones - She Hangs Out (Doin' The Dentist) (Cactus Flower, 1969)
14 Neal Hefti - Open House (Synanon, 1961)
15 Ennio Morricone - Twist Delle Zitelle akaTwist Of The Sprinters (Malamondo, 1964)
16 John Barry - Midnight Cowboy + Florida Fantasy (Midnight Cowboy, 1969)
17 Leonard Rosenman - Opening Statement - Cornelius & March Of The Apes (Planet Of The Apes, 1968)
18 Mike Curb & Lawrence Brown - Bay City Boys (Mary Jane, 1968)
19 Ginfranco Reverberi & Romolo Forlai - Sex Club AKA Hard To Go Up (Rivelazioni di uno psichiatra sul mondo perverso del sesso, 197?) (X rated film)
20 Quincy Jones - Lonely Bottles (In Cold Blood, 1968)
21 Richard Rodney Bennett - Anya & Skidoo (Billion Dollar Brain, 1967)
Selected by Rafa Murillo
